Locomotive beat Chikhura Sachkhere 3:0

Locomotive beat Chikhura Sachkhere 3:0

Locomotive beat Chikhura Sachkhere 3:0

Locomotive Tbilisi defetead Chikhura Sachkhere at Mikheil Meskhi spare stadium. On September 23, in the 27th round of Erovnuli Liga, Giorgi Devdariani’s team won a victory against the rival 3:0.

After the match with Samtredia, Devdariani made two replacements in the starting membership. Disqualified Nodar Qavtaradze was substituted by Lasha Gvalia.

Teimuraz Ghonghadze, who is back to the main team, played instead of Nika Chanturia. In the clash against Chikhura. Loco was missing not only Qavtaradze, but injured Irakli Komakhidze as well.

On 11th minute the score was opened. After a pass from Vato Arveladze, Irakli Sikharulidze raided the gate of Dino Hamzic.

On 22nd minute Loco scored the second goal. Kicking from the far distance Gega Diasamidze gave a good pass to Giorgi Gorozia in the penalty area, who gave the ball to Sikharulidze as he also was in the penalty area and thus Loco’s forward performed double.

27 years old striker has played double in all of the 3 matches against Chikhura in current season. Sikharulidze is a bombardier of Erovnuli Liga with 22 goals.

In the first half, our team had two more possibilities to improve the score. Vato Arveladze cheated on two footballers on the right wing in one of the episodes, he tried to throw the ball over the goalkeeper, but he missed the target.

Sikharulidze could show hat trick, but his kick also lacked precision like it was in case of Arveladze.
The final result of the game was fixed by Gega Diasamidze on 55th minute.  A ball of Loco’s number 10 went through the field from the centre to the penalty area, it passed through one footballer and netted in the right low corner.

After this episode, Revaz Tevdoradze has saved Loco for several times. Loco’s goalkeeper managed to repel a header by Shota Kashia and then he outclassed Besik Dekanoidze.

After the victory gained against Chikhura, Loco has 45 points and occupies the 4th position. The next match will be held against Dinamo Batumi. The clash will take place on September 30, at Mikheil Meskhi spare stadium, at 16:00.

Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Ubilava (captain), Rekhviashvili, Kobakhidze, Ghonghadze, Gvalia, Samurkasovi, Diasamidze (Andronikashvili 75), Gorozia (Kikabidze 65), Arveladze (Gavashelishvili 69), Sikharulidze
Head Coach: Giorgi Devdariani

Yellow Card: Ghonghadze (18), Arveladze (62)
Referee: I. Kvirikashvili

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