Levan Kenia is a footballer of Locomotive

Levan Kenia is a footballer of Locomotive

Levan Kenia is a footballer of Locomotive

A member of Georgia national team, Levan Kenia is a player of Locomotive Tbilisi. 26 years old midfielder signed one and a half year long contract with Locomotive.

10 years ago, Levani moved to FC Gelsenkirchen Schalke from Locomotive. He has played in German team till 2012. Same year, in August, he continued his career in FC Karpaty Lviv.

In 2013, Kenia went back to Germany, in Fortuna Dusseldorf, where he has spent 1 year.

For the last time, 26 years old midfielder played in Slavia Prague. He has played 31 matches and has scored 3 goals in Czech club.
Kenia’s official presentation will take place at Mikheil Meskhi stadium on May 16, at 13:30.

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